Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Holiday Lights with the Nielsen Family

We had a great time in the freeeeeeezing cold at Thanksgiving Point's Holiday Lights! Oftentimes the whole family will meet for Sunday dinners, but it is pretty rare that we actually get to all go out together and let loose. It's so great to have these opportunities and to watch the kids play and have fun with their cousins in new and exciting settings. It was pretty entertaining and interesting trying to keep Stockton confined to a lap during the wagon ride, but once he could run free he was much happier  :)  Annabelle loved looking at the lights with Grandma, Papa, Paige and Daisy; she was a little intimidated by the reindeer and the cozy, hand-warming fire, but once she got inside, warmed up, and had a snack, she was as good as new, smiling, laughing, and having a great time with everyone. I'm glad we had the chance to go do something fun outside, feel the spirit of the season, and most of all spend time with those we love. I can't seem to get enough of these times during Christmastime!

What a great night!

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