Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Advent Happiness

This craft gave me GREAT satisfaction!  :)  It was time well spent and I loved the result. We have never had an advent calendar in our family, but I love the idea of having one. I browsed and browsed until I finally found one I felt was cute, suitable for my needs, inexpensive to make, and fairly quick to complete. I had already found LOTS of fun and meaningful activities to fill it with, and as a family we had already done a handful of them. Additionally I found a site that had a scripture for each night of December--a scripture focused on Jesus Christ and His character, life, attributes, birth, ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, etc. I thought the addition of a scripture on each day, in combination with an activity would  be the perfect Christmas advent. At the end of the month we would have many great memories as a family, as well as a greater knowledge of the Savior. I didn't finish this project in time to use it this year, but we did read the scriptures about Christ each night, and Annabelle loved it--she would not allow us to miss a night! :)  I can't wait to put it to use in 2012!

Scrapbook paper, distressed ink, glue, scissors, a few embellishments, library envelopes, a 2" metal ring and tulle  :)

Each envelope has a card that pulls out. On each card is written a scripture and activity. Each year the cards can be switched around to different envelopes, depending on what day you'd like to do that activity. I hole-punched each envelope, hooked them all together with the metal ring, and tied the tulle around the ring. I would've used cuter ribbon if I had it on hand, but the tulle was all I had  :)  I love it  :)

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