Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Christmas Eve 2011

We had a WONDERFUL Christmas Eve with the Bos family! We headed over early so we could get lots of time with Scott, Jen, and Maddie before they had to go--we LOVE them and wish we could see and spend time with them more! It was a blast. If Scott is in the room, there is never a dull moment; he keeps us all laughing  :)   We talked and laughed around the table, gorging ourselves on delicious appetizers non-stop. Aunt Kim and Uncle Joel made it as well; they are truly genuine people who we also love spending time with! I'm so glad I have gotten to know Aunt Kim better in the past few months; she is so nice and fun, not to mention GREAT with Annabelle and Olivia--they LOVE her! Annabelle is even on hugging terms with Aunt Kim now, which says a lot  :)  The room was full of family; the table was stocked with all the Christmas staples; everyone was healthy, and the Christmas spirit was abounding inside everyone. I think we made Scott and Jenn hang around a lot longer than they'd originally planned, but you can't blame us--or them! :) 

Prior to the Lalli family leaving, we all gathered in the front room to open presents. This was magical, as Annabelle would say. Everyone was so happy to give and receive their gifts. Annabelle was beaming with excitement and pure JOY. There were many moments when my eyes welled up with tears because of how happy she was, how much fun both she and Stockton were having, how incredibly blessed I felt to have them and Josh, how much I love my Savior, how blessed our family is to be together and healthy. It was honestly overwhelming at times. This was one of the very few times when I have felt SUPER upset that I didn't have my video camera! If you could've seen Annabelle's face and reaction when she opened her new Fancy Nancy PJ's and doll, you would've been smiling ear-to-ear, with or without accompanying "happy" tears. She was absolutely adorable! Little Stocky was, as always, cracking me up! He did what Annabelle did at his age--sat on all his presents after opening them to "test them out." So funny  :)  And if you could catch a glimpse of Stockton with those dogs? Your heart would be warmed, and you would be leaving a comment for me to go buy him a dog ASAP  :)  He really loves Rocky and Priscilla, and they love him. In addition to playing and loving on the dogs, Stockton kept sneaking away to find food in the kitchen--he was really hungry, and Josh kept finding him searching the kitchen for little scraps :). Luckily we ate dinner as soon as the presents were opened, and he ate GREAT!

We really missed Nikki, Eric, Liv and Brody this year; we love it when they get to be with us on Christmas Eve! We'll be excited to have them with us next year!   

Opening presents!

So excited!
We love our family!
Stockton is testing out his new race track

Fancy Nancy!
"Ahhhhhhhh! I can't believe this! Fancy Nancy Pajamas!"
What an awesome night! I did have a black head-band in my hair, but you can't really see it in the picture, which makes my hair look a little craaazy. It was a pretty cute head-band too  :)
Josh finished off the night with an INCREDIBLE dessert!

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