Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Special Time with Alice

What an experience! Annabelle decided to dress up as Alice on this particular day (her cute cousin Liv lent us this costume last year, and we saw it in the back of the closet just as we were packing dress-ups for the trip). Annabelle was so excited and had to bring it (we'll get it back to you really soon Nikki, I promise)!  :)  I couldn't believe we still had it, but we threw it in the car and Annabelle was quite obsessed with Alice from then on. She wanted to go on Alice in Wonderland multiple times; she chose an Alice in Wonderland polly pocket doll for her souvenir from Grandma; and she wanted to wear this dress two of the five days we were there. When we got to Disneyland on this particular day, the real Alice in Wonderland saw Annabelle and grabbed her immediately to join in the fun. Annabelle danced around and followed her around for a few seconds, but when they sat down, she looked wayyyy nervous. Josh joined the Dancing Dads to try and make her feel more at ease, but as soon as it was all done, Annabelle started sobbing and was totally overwhelmed  :( We did our best to tell her it was ok, that Alice loved her and wanted her to have fun, but it was no use. And from then on she was not to be called Alice or else...! It was kinda sad, Kinda funny, pretty interesting, but still totally Annabelle, and understandable. She simply got overwhelmed, nervous, a little scared, and took a while to snap out of it  :) What better way to shift the focus than to head over to the Princess Fantasy Fair?!

PS: Look at Josh's awesome high kicks and stand-out showmanship!  ;)

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