Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thanksgiving 2010

We had such a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving! We celebrated with the Nielsen fam at my mom and dad's house with both the Nielsen and Simpson clans. My mom did an AMAZING job with all the decorations, which made it feel so special and inviting. The place settings were adorable and the kids LOVED them--Annabelle couldn't wait to sit down and start eating! One thing I have come to LOVE is beauty amidst the chaos and noise of little children. I absolutely love gathering in a beautiful, cozy setting (a.k.a. in the home) with LOTS of children around, sharing their innocent joy, laughter, and yes...even the occasional squabble. Being with family--having everyone here, healthy and happy--makes me feel so grateful. To me, Thanksgiving is all about spending time with family and reflecting on all of the amazing blessings we are given each and every day. I am so grateful to be here, to be close to my family, to be close to Josh's family, to be healthy, and to have two AMAZING little kids by my side each day. I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ, loyal friends, this great nation, freedom, and great examples all around me.

We had a fun and filling day that even incuded a trip to see "Rapunzel!" What a darling show! We hope your Thanksgiving was full of festivities, fun, and family!

Thanksgiving 2010

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