Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Holiday Mini Projects

This year I decided to embark on a few DIY projects. I am beginning to learn how much more you can love something if it's homemade and unique. The only problem with this? I am NOT too talented in the crafty arena, and unfortunately it is not due to lack of desire. Sigh. HOWEVER, I am pretty adept if I can copy someone else! :) So to all of you crafty bloggers and home decorators, I thank you for making your ideas so accessible to ladies like me, ladies who LOVE a 2-hour homemade project written out step-by-step and accompanied with pictures to be completed during any one of the following: The Bachelor, The Biggest Loser, or Gray's Anatomy. I'm so glad I decided to cozy up our home with these uber-easy homemade projects. They each gave me bragging rights for days. I actually posed them, took their pictures, and sent them on to family and friends as though they were my children or something! That oughtta tell you how rare an occurrence it is for me to break into the craft bin under my bed. Imagine if I were to make a bedspread or something...I'd have to hire a professional photographer and send a mass email to my whole friends list on Facebook! :) Ha ha...At any rate, I had fun, got caught up on the DVR, and felt domestic--all GOOD things!

The strips of paper on the left are there for writing little notes about what you're THANKFUL for. You just slip them in the jar as the month goes along, then break them out and read them all on Thanksgiving. The treats on the right are there for the taking, and boy were they taken--I had no idea we all loved candy corns so much!
No. This isn't all of the supplies, but once I got started I became too engrossed and forgot to take a true "Before" picture. Oh well...I'm sure you're not visiting my blog for the DIY tutorials anyway, so it's not a huge loss.

My little snowman family: Me, Josh, Stocky and Annabelle :)

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