Saturday, March 27, 2010

Read a Story with Annabelle and Miss Kim

The past few weeks Annabelle has been requesting story time in the car. She'll say "Mommy read me the story about Cinderella." Other times she'll request Belle or Ariel. I tell her these stories over and over and over again, adding a few new words each time, and varying the length depending on how far we still have to drive. She LOVES it, and I LOVE how much she loves princesses! She just lies back in her car seat without making a peep until I say "...and they lived happily ever after." Then she'll immediately request another story.

This past week she has been requesting stories involving her, her tumbling teacher, Miss Kim, and all the tricks and skills she can think of. "Mommy tell me the story about Annabelle, Miss Kim, and the bar (or the beam or the straddle rolls, etc.)." So I make up little stories about her, Miss Kim, and all the different tricks they do together. She loves it and loves Miss Kim! I always end the story with Miss Kim giving Annabelle stamps on her hands, feet, belly, nose, and toes (Annabelle's favorite part of class) :)

I'm so happy she loves going to class, and loves her teacher. I'm hoping that the more she likes and trusts Miss Kim, the more she'll want to try the new tricks with Miss Kim spotting her (skills on the bar especially)! Right now she's a little hesitant and fearful, but getting better and more brave every time! The first 2 weeks she wouldn't even touch the bars, and now she will hang from the high bar! Flipping over it (with help) is something she's just not quite sure about yet. Here's to hoping that "Miss Kim will lift Annabelle's legs over the bar in a flip, and Annabelle will smile and say Ta-Da! Then Miss Kim will say 'Oh Annabelle! You did so well. Let's go get some stamps for your little hands and feet." Ha ha :)

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