Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Did It!

"I did it! I earned the 'Green Tiana!' I LOVE princess barbies, and really wanted this one. Mommy said I had to earn it because I already have 'enough' princess barbies (she must've forgot that a little girl like me can NEVER have enough princesses)! Well, I had a choice to make: Do the chores or go without the barbie. Off to work I went, having a great time along the way, singing princess songs as I cleaned, and learning a few new skills in the process (such as how to use a rake and water plants)! After I helped mommy clean my room, helped Grandma in her yard, colored my neighbor a beautiful picture, and had some friends over to share my toys (that one didn't really seem like a chore, but I wasn't going to say anything...Shhhh), mommy took me to Target to get the Green Tiana! I was SO happy! I grabbed her off the shelf and said, 'Let's go back to my house right now!' This picture is of me smiling, right after mommy toook her out of the box. Isn't she beautiful?! I'm already negotiating a job chart for Belle!"

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Yahoo!!! Go Annabelle!