Tuesday, June 29, 2010

40 Weeks...and counting!

It's official! The due date has come and gone, and I'm growing more insane by the hour :) Not really. I'm just anxious to see and hold him, and to feel a bit more comfortable. Here are some random facts about this pregnancy:

*Haven't exercised since December! This has been my greatest challenge, and has affected my emotions more than anything else this time around--definitely tough! Can't wait to have a healthy, functioning sciatic nerve so I can get those endorphins flowing through me again!

*Total weight gain: 26 pounds (4 more than my last pregnancy, but still pretty good considering how sedentary I've been)!

* I've been measuring between 2 and 4 weeks ahead the entire time, yet here I sit...overdue. Those numbers don't mean anything :)

*I was induced with Annabelle on her due date. This time I want to go into labor naturally, at the right time for my body. However, my doctor won't let me go beyond 41 weeks, so I'm praying he'll come on his own before next week!

*I have been so blessed with a healthy pregnancy and normal test results. I think it's easy to take these little details for granted, but it truly is a miracle and a blessing to have a full-term, healthy baby.

*I felt this baby move during the EXACT same week as I did with Annabelle: 22 weeks.

*I didn't have any strong cravings or aversions with this pregnancy. With Annabelle I had LOTS of aversions and ZERO cravings. So weird!

*I feel more relaxed and prepared going into this labor and delivery. I feel I now have more experience and knowledge to make my own choices, if that makes sense.

*I'm so blessed to have Josh as my husband, and as the father of our children. He is amazing with babies and ours are so lucky to have him. He has been incredibly patient with me throughout this pregnancy--that's all I'll say :) Ha ha. He's a Champ!

Can't wait to write about the baby's arrival! C'mon little guy--mommy wants to see you!


FitNotQuitJess said...

Wow, I can't believe it's time already. Here's hoping he joins your family soon, without "force."

JR and Amanda said...

Oh Robyn! You are so strong! Keep us updated and GOOD LUCK!!!

Sarah said...

SO excited for you guys and can't wait to see pictures your new little man!

Al said...

Hey there! I am just thinking about you guys wondering if that little guy is here safely yet. You are all in our thoughts and prayers! Keep us posted, lots of love coming your way!

Emily said...

Robyn...good luck with everything baby!! Hope it all goes well. I found your blog via Carolyn so I will check back in if that's okay...can't wait to see him!! Sarah misses you-she loved having you for her dance teacher!