Monday, June 22, 2009

Our First Hike of the Summer!

Our family went on our first hike of the season! Josh and I LOVE to hike, and went almost every Saturday morning when we were dating. We'd leave at 7am, stop at the grocery store for water and sandwiches, then hit the trail by 8am--it was wonderful, and we have missed it so much. We didn't get to go much during our 1st year of marriage because I got pregnant 3 months after our wedding, and was in my last trimester during the summer months...Misery!!! Then Josh left for Afghanistan, and wasn't here last summer...what a bummer! BUT...NOW A SUMMER OF HIKING IS UPON US...AND IT WON'T STOP RAINING! :)
We were determined to go this past week--rain or shine! We decided we'd go to Donut Falls for our first venture on the trail with Annabelle. I packed sandwiches, fruit and water, and then Annabelle and I picked up Josh from work and headed up the canyon. It was a short little baby hike, but she loved it, and even walked the whole way back on her own. It was cold, so we ended up eating our "dinner" in the car after the hike, but it was still a fun time, and we can't wait to get out there again!
A few highlights...
*Annabelle wanting to walk over every rock possible
*The beautiful waterfall...of course
*Annabelle talking non-stop the entire way up the trail
*Watching a squirrel eat his dinner of greenery
*Yummy sandwiches :)


Marla Herrick said...

What an awesome blog! Congrats on your hike. Sounds like tons of fun. We're stuck in Phoenix. 107 today, and humid :( Nothing but indoor activities for all of us. But it was nice to live vicariously through your blog, even for a moment or two. Keep it up. And enjoy the rain when it comes. All of us phoenecians are very VERY jealous.

jenny said...

Sounds Fun

Kristy said...

How fun! It was great walking with you yesterday. I really want to get out with you guys much more often. It doesn't even feel like exercise when I'm with friends!