Thursday, January 24, 2013

Theatre Camp

Her little scenery box
The story she wrote for her play

Annabelle attended a fun little Theatre camp with Mrs. Alisha! She had a blast, and Stockton cried each time we dropped her off (of course) :) Annabelle's little fill-in-the-blank play story was really cute and she was so proud of it!

"There lived a Princess Silverlake who loved to draw and paint.
Once upon a time in a place high in a tower...
One day while coloring they met a prince. Hi, he said. They decided to play together. What should we do first? Dance or color? They decided to play puzzles first. They were having so much fun until my sister called them home. They were sad to have to leave each other so soon but promised to meet in the tower tomorrow for more fun!"
Annabelle Bos

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