Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day Thoughts

Dear Annabelle:

Thank you for being my baby, and for making me a mother. You are the reason I love being a mother, and you are the joy of my life. When I was pregnant I was so excited for all that your little soul would bring to our family: the laughs, smiles, adventures, and challenges. I thought long and hard, during those long third-trimester nights, about what you'd look like, and how your presence might change our lives. Well as you've probably guessed, I couldn't have possibly imagined how adorable and amazing you would be; you have surpassed all of my greatest expectations. I am even beginning to see glimpses of myself in you: certain tones you use when saying things, the way you try to put on make-up, how much you LOVE clothes, your preference for healthier foods, your ability to sleep in, and how much you love being outside! I can also see a tiny glimpse of daddy in you: mess after mess after mess :) Ha ha

Becoming a mother is everything I hoped it would be and so much more! You are the greatest gift I have ever received from my Heavenly Father, and I promise I will keep you close to Him. Thank you for giving my life so much meaning and fulfillment. Thank you for all the wrinkly-nose smiles, loves, cuddles, kisses, and for being my baby. Mommy loves you sooooo much!


FitNotQuitJess said...

You're such a cutie yourself. I just love Miss Annabelle! Saw her with your mom at the park the other day and BOY has she gotten big! What happens to them? You're a great Mom and I'm sure Annabelle will read this years from now and tear up thinking about how lucky she is to have you!

Tashina said...

I can't believe how big she has gotten! You know, I remember seeing you at Brady's wedding just before you had her... It doesn't seem like that long ago, and now she is almost 2! You are such a fabulous mother, and every post you have put up lately has cemented that in my head! Good job, mama! She is one lucky girl to have you!

Mandi said...

That is such a sweet post. She is a doll!

Sarah said...

Robyn, I love how much you cherish being a mom. You don't take one moment for granted. Annabelle is so blessed to have you a her mother.

Nikki said...

Robyn that was beautiful. You have the perfect little girl. She is amazing and wonderful and gorgeous and so much stinking fun. I love her to death. You a wonderful mother. Both Annabelle and Josh are lucky to have you!