Saturday, November 7, 2009

Dance Class!

This week I was called in to sub a little combo class at the studio, and rather than sending Annabelle to a babysitter, I decided I'd just take her with me. She's only 2, and the class is for 4 year olds, but never underestimate a child's love for dance and enthusiasm! She was SO excited to go to dance class with mommy! She wouldn't even take her nap because she was so excited. I went into her room and asked "Annabelle why aren't you going to sleep?" She looked at me, lifted her little palms up, shrugged her shoulders, and said, "Dance class!" On the way to the studio, she talked non-stop about how she was "so excited" and "so happy." And when we got there? I was beside myself! She went right in, sat down by the first little girl she could find and said "Hi! Dance class!" I turned on a little music for them to warm up and move around the space ("If You're Happy and You Know It..."). She kept shrieking out in laughter and enjoyment, and did just as much or more than the other children in the class. I snapped a few pictures of her during this little song before I started teaching because she was so excited.
Smiling at "Gracie," whose name is actually Maggie. Maggie tried to open the window once, so I told her no. From then on, each time Maggie would venture towards the window, Annabelle would run over to her and say "No Gracie!" I was admittedly happy to have a little T.A. helping me out in the discipline area, but couldn't quite figure out why she named her Gracie :)

"If you're happy and you know it stomp your feet"

Tiny Dancer
Practicing on her own after class was over. She didn't want to stop, so I let her play a little longer in the 2nd studio. She's prepping for a spin in this picture :)

Lookin' good!

She refused to let me take off her tu-tu. This is her in her PJ's with the tu-tu. She even insisted on going to sleep in it!
I will probably start taking her to my classes once in a while, after seeing how well she did, and how much she enjoyed it. She listened well, followed my instructions, and danced adorably. Ohhhhhhh I am a proud mommy! I am so happy she loves it so much! It appears as though dance will stay in our little family for at least a few more years. This makes me smile. Annabelle makes me smile. Love her!


jacksonx03 said...

She looks so big!

ali-dot-e said...

Too cute! She has her mommy's dancing genes, she would fit in in the four year old class, shes advanced!!

FitNotQuitJess said...

That is ADORABLE! What a little cutie pie! LOVE that she helped with telling Ms Gracie no! :-)

Doney Days said...

What a cutie! She's going to follow in your footsteps!