It's true. We finally made it back to the canyons this year! And thankfully it was everything I'd hoped for and more. We were able to spend the majority of the day there, relaxing, talking and of course...snacking. As an added bonus, Annabelle actually allowed herself to get a little dirty! Granted, she would brush off her hands everytime they got dirt on them, BUT she did willingly get dirt on them! Baby steps :)
Speaking of babies, Stockton was SO content! He snoozed away for most of the afternoon in a little tent by the stream. How soothing is that?! In reality, he probably thought he was at home in his swing with the setting turned on nature sounds :) Still soothing nonetheless!
We also celebrated my birthday up there--complete with a Red Velvet Cake! Here is my short history with Red Velvet Cake: I started watching Cupcake Wars on Food Network; Everyone makes a Red Velvet cupcake on Cupcake Wars; It ALWAYS looks delicious; I had to have Red Velevet Cake! And now...I'm currently in the trial phase of finding the best Red Velvet Cake in the valley. I know, I's not my healthiest endeavor. BUT, everything in moderation right? So far I've tried: Granite Bakery (pretty good), Schmidt's Bakery (they add raspberry so I just can't call it true Red Velvet, although it was tasty), Nothing Bundt Cakes (so-so), and The Cocoa Bean Cupcake Cafe--definitely the winner for now! How did I come to find this HEAVENLY cafe? was recommended to Josh, who then went and bought me 8--YES 8--cupcakes! All different flavors! I had to put the dieting on hold for a few days, while I sampled each and every one. My method for sampling? 2 bites of each then finish my favorite one. It proved unsuccessful. I had 4 favorites, or was it 5? Probably 5. It took me about 4 or 5 days, but I did finish all 5. Hence then need to purchase an exercise program called "Kettlenetics." But hey...they were a birthday gift (that came alongside a new HOT PINK IPOD), and I couldn't let them go to waste. So Happy Birthday to me! Canyons, Cupcakes, and LOTS of LOVE.

Annabelle enjoying her new Princess camping chair

Always so feminine :)

Annabelle and Paige came up with this idea for transporting their rocks to the stream. Their conversations were so hilarious! "Paige sit still." "Annabelle I think it's full. It feels pretty heavy." "It's not full Paige. Sit still." :)

Go ahead Annabelle--take it and throw it!

There you go!

Yes it downpoured on us. But it was AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL

So nice!
I'm so grateful we made it up there before it got too cold, even if it is the only time we make it this season. Totally worth it.