One of my New Year's Resolutions was to "Get Back to the Books!" I graduated from BYU with a BA degree in English. All I did was read and write, read and write, read and write. I LOVED it! After I graduated I was so excited to read books of my own choice! But did I? Nope! I got lazy with my reading. I have really missed reading great books, and I am so excited about this resolution. It is simply adding something back into my life that I already love. And what a GREAT start?! My goal was to read one book per month, but this month I actually had enough time for 2! It's my intent to rotate genres: Contemporary/Political or Current Events/Spiritual/Classical/Educational. I've got Contemporary and Political under my belt--on to the next! I've decided to include one or two of my favorite quotes from each book I read this year.

"I often told the kids to ask themselves: What gets you excited to wake up in the morning? Is it science? Art? Children, animals, sports, mechanics? What is the desire of your heart? God put those in you not to tease or frustrate you--He created them in you to give you direction! To put you on the right path--He bridles your passion! So stop and think about what you love to do, then look for signposts along the way that confirm you're on the right path to doing that--doors opening, people with your best interests at heart supporting what you're doing. As I rocked my daughter all those dark nights, I knew that what still stirred passion in me was the desire to make a positive difference for others, not just in my family and community but in the wider world as well. "
"And finally, thanks to Todd, Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, Trig, and Tripp. You are my reason for living. I breathe you. If everything else were to all go away, as long as I have you, then life is good. I look at you and see miracles in all your lives and know there is a God. And I do know there is a God. My life is in His hands. I encourage readers to do what I did many years ago, invite Him in to take over...then see what He will do and how He will get you through. Test Him on this. You'll see there's no such thing as a coincidence. I'm thankful for His majestic creation called Alaska, which has given me my home, and for His touch on America, which has given us all so many opportunities. By His grace, an American life is an exraordinary life."
"I join you in standing up for what is right. Remember that as your voice is heard and your spine is stiffened, the spines of others are stiffened too."

I don't have any quotes to copy, but I really enjoyed this book. It was a quick read and very entertaining. I'll probably read the next book in this series when I come back around to this genre again. I recommend it!