Last Friday Annabelle and I went with my mom, Brittany, Paige and Daisy to the zoo. Fridays used to be "Hair Day," which meant spending time with "Smith" grocery shopping, eating Hostess products from the corner of the kitchen, eating McDonald's picnic-style on Smith's coffee table, talking about the latest Smith, Bos, Nielsen, Simpson happenings, sitting in the front room watching Annabelle, Paige and Daisy play with toys, spread dirt around Smith's patio, spread dish towels all over the kitchen and front room, and laugh all the while. It sounds like chaos, but it was fun and we always cleaned up before leaving :)
Because Brittany, my mom and I are already used to getting together on Fridays, we've decided to keep up this "ritual." I think Smith would be happy knowing she started these Friday, memory-making, happy outings. What better way to keep remembering her than to continue getting together, staying close, and making memories that help us form and keep our bonds forever!
Fridays are special to me; I always think of Smith more on this day than any other, and I believe I always will. Friday is "Hair Day," no matter what we do. I hope we can always get together on Fridays, in honor of her. I want it to be something she started that never ends. As Annabelle grows older, I can teach her more about how this Friday tradition came about, and how much Smith loved her. So with that said...we went to the zoo on Hair Day!

Annabelle LOVES the Merry-go-round, and has been blessing it in her prayers ever since Friday!

Hey Good-Lookin'

Trying to get a great view of the Zebras--Her FAVORITE!!

The most saught-after animal in the zoo!


I know I'm cute!

Thanks Gigi!

This Tiger made the day! Walked right in front of us, stopped, and ROOOOOOAAAAARRR!!

No zoo trip is complete without Animal Sippers (Halloween Sippers). Thanks Grandma!

How cute are these 2? I think they look SO much alike!

This water ball is always a hit! Even Daisy joined the fun this time!
I capped off the night with a romantic date with Josh and 6 of our GREAT friends: Amy, Jenny, Tanya, Mike, Lance and Rick. I had pictures of them, but the lighting was dim and they came out blurry :( We went up to Sundance and ate at an awesome restaurant. Not only was it beautiful, but it was DELICIOUS! I had steak and Josh had a burger--both were EXCELLENT! All in all, a WONDERFUL day and night.

Gotta love those Looooooooooong arms :)